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Founded on February 23, 1960, the men and women of the Corps proudly carry on traditions that accompanied the birth of our Nation. As one of the United States Army's premier musical organizations, the Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps has inspired audiences throughout the Nation and abroad for over 50 years. Note. T. Kirk Fife, Drum and Bugle Corps. 4. It is believed this recording is from a Connecticut Field Day in 1951.The recording was provided by Chuck Riley on cassette tape, however it appears to be a second-generation copy of an LP. The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps - Reveille Variation/Drum Call/Slow Scotch/Quick Scotch/Yankee Doodle/Mont.... 00:02:21 10. The Night Larry Was Stretched (mp3) 4. Instrumental, Military, Fife and Drum Great track for any project dealing with the Revolutionary war, civil war or similar historical settings. Shenandoah (mp3) 3. Glorious, fun, families and children. Fife & Drum Corps . Yankee Doodle, Americana Music, American Patriotic Music, royalty free mp3, production music library and independent music ... marching military drum, and fife version of the American patriotic anthem for July 4th celebrations. 2012. The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps - Brandywine Quickstep from the Minstrel Boy Show 00:01:52 The drum and fife would often lead the soldiers into battle and on marches. copyright 2008, Maurice Calis. Victor catalog describes this recording as banded, with four versions of "Yankee doodle": (1) as a jig, with violin ("old version"); (2) "oldest printed version"; (3) with fife and drum ("Sousa's arr.," according to Victor ledgers); (4) with full band. 1. 2008. "Yankee Doodle" When foreign leaders are welcomed to the White House, the military and State Department hold a State Arrival Ceremony on the South Lawn. The Chas. Music Library Yankee Doodle Father and I went down to eamp, Along with Captain Gooding; And there we saw the men and boys, As thiek as hasty pudding. Yankee Doodle (mp3) Other selections include: Kingdom Coming, The Rose of Alabama, Tramp Tramp Tramp, Governor’s Island Quickstep, Marching Through Georgia & many, more!. Lord Stirling's Playbook - contains the first 6 sets of song titles paired on a page.. Drummers Examples: Click Liberty Fife and Drum for good rendition of the Army 2/4 accompanying fifers to Wearing of the Green.. Click Rudimental Drumming for an excellent drum instruction site.. Click for Army 2-4 mp3 file by Craig Livingston.. Click for Other 2-4 mp3 file by Craig Livingston. The John Marshall Fife and Drum Corps was the idea of Dr. Wendell Dobbs and his wife, Linda, both professors in the department of music. T Kirk Fife, Drum and Bugle Corps performing "Old English & Yankee Doodle". A recording of the Chas. Download Yankee Doodle.mp3 (4.7 MB) Publication Date. This popular public domain song is traced back to pre-revolutionary war days. Fife and Drum version of Yankee Doodle. Yankee doodle, keep it up, Yankee doodle dandy; Mind the musie and the step, And with the girls be handy. Year of Release. Jersey Blue (mp3) 2. regimental-fifes-and-drums Please click on the titles below to hear a sample of the music!

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