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Mor, Y., & Craft, B. As test phase 1 already provided us with data on how teachers prefer to be professionalised, and because most of the teachers were also working in test phase two, and we had another longer set of questions for teachers to fill in, concerning teacher motivation, we did not ask questions about preferable ways of professionalising in test phase 2 (Table 5). Educational Researcher, 41(1), 26–28. Next to that there are plenty of voice recorders which can be downloaded for free. The teachers welcomed the structured approach. Teacher action research as Bildung: An application of Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics to teacher professional development. The EFL teachers (n = 11) followed in this case study were not actively involved in teacher professional development activities in this field and there was no ongoing collaboration of teachers working on an educational challenge in order to improve students’ achievements concerning English pronunciation. The context of the experiment is English pronunciation teaching in EFL lessons in the Netherlands. ), leave the design to researchers and educational experts, start involving teachers in the testing phase of the experimental intervention, and use their expertise and classroom experience to adjust the intervention tool or pedagogy. Five teachers at a school for the higher vocational training were aligned with the teacher training college and taking part in the test phase was part of their teaching task. He was only interested in improving students’ intelligibility and did not want his students to loose part of their identity while struggling for a near-native English pronunciation. Professional development, Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) and Open Learning Experiences (OLXs) are just a few of the many new buzzwords to flood the L&D industry in the last year or so. FH carried out the studies and drafted the manuscript. New Orleans, LA: Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. The Chronbach’s alpha was very satisfactory (Table 7). statement and We were also interested in signs indicating teachers might have had some reservations towards working with the CAPTT and the need for the intervention. Nine out of thirteen (13 = n) teachers indicated they altered their classroom practice, devoting more time to teaching pronunciation and feeling better equipped to do so than before taking part in the experiment. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 14, 23 (2017). The stronger the new pedagogy and the easier to implement it, the more chance of reaching teachers who find it hard to change their classroom practice. In order to fully realise the potential of online and blended learning (OBL), teacher professional development (TPD) strategies on how to teach in an online or blended learning environment are needed. Kreijns, K., Vermeulen, M., Kirschner, P. a., van Buuren, H., & van Acker, F. (2013). Professional development that . The mail included the necessary access codes and information to be able to use the online module (CAPTT) Do your pupils sound English? Researchers and those responsible for education in general, who sometimes have a better overview of existing educational challenges, should always take into account that perfect teaching conditions are never met and that there is a significant number of teachers not able, capable or willing to define educational challenges, design a new pedagogy and get involved in a full cycle of design inquiry. Students were also provided with some background information on some of the phonetic symbols used, only to point out the difference between certain phonemes that are difficult to distinguish by Dutch speakers of English (e.g., the difference between voiceless th /θ/ and voiced th /ð/. During the introductory meeting the educational challenge was explained and teachers were informed about the newly designed teaching approach dealing with the six most occurring pronunciation mistakes made by Dutch speakers of English. Positive Discipline Tools for Teachers: Alternatives to Rewards and Punishment. Heinemann Catalog-Journal Professional Development Services for K-12 Educators 2018-19 Issue Download Full PD Catalog-Journal (84 pgs) We encourage you to download and share the PD Catalog-Journal articles and resources collected below. Here are some factors principals should remember when recruiting and retaining teachers. With a laptop, phone or tablet and an Internet connection the online module could be used. (2012). 36(6):353-354, November/December 2020. A situation that meets all of these requirements is hard to find in the Dutch educational system, as e.g., teachers in secondary education teach an average of 25 h and are bound to strict protocols leading to final exams. In the first stage one researcher analysed the transcriptions. Visible learning for teachers. Garet et al. Additionally, four new teachers teaching bachelor students took part and three left because their teaching contract ended, leaving a total of six teachers. In the end eleven teachers taught the seven lessons of the CAPTT and handed in the pre- and post-intervention test results (similar test covering the six error type categories before and after working with the CAPTT in class). September 1st 2015 was indicated as starting point of the test phase and February, 15th 2016 as the rounding off date. Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. Professional development should provide an important tactic for improving schools, increasing teacher quality, and improving student learning (Girvan et al., 2016; Opfer, Pedder, & Lavicza, 2011; Witte & Jansen, 2016).The National Staff Development Council (NSDC; 2001) stresses that professional development is rapidly being viewed as high-quality ongoing training programs with … Teachers need time to test and adapt a teaching design to fit the needs of their classroom practice and the students’ needs. This, however, means that certain conditions at a teacher’s workplace should already be met before this first step can be taken. Papers are published in one of three JMTE … The recording tasks allowed teachers to give more individual student feedback. Learning Design: reflections on a snapshot of the current landscape. }X�[�쭥]᭭� Professional development initiatives for TEs exist in various formats and scopes. (2010). (2009). All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Communication Theory, 13(2), 164–183. Mor, Y., & Mogilevsky, O. Professional Development Articles. Interviews were analysed for the teachers’ feedback on the teaching design, their personal standpoint towards the necessity of the intervention, changes in their attitude towards teaching pronunciation (signs of professional development), willingness to take part in design inquiry activities themselves. (2002). But professional development needs to become more than a string of one-day workshops in order to help teachers make the transition. What are your suggestions for improving the CAPTT so it would better meet your and your students’ needs? For many teachers, professional development has been viewed as a task that generally involves a 1-day in-service training or workshop, with little or no expectation of what the teacher should do with the information or how the teacher should share the information with other colleagues (Garet et al., 2001; Guskey & … Professional development is critical in the life of every organization in positioning workers to meet changing trends of globalization. 107–134). Using theory to design effective health behavior interventions. hެ[ێ�ͧ�Qz0���0�v ;ذ��؇���NG ���b�SŚ�Y��,����ú�X��R�w\�+�zG1�J.Pp�W*���H�g���q%�R�gr�3Į0���j���k$��Z��#���Q�@��A�̸�QJ �Q�-��������A�[�Q�2(�.�@��2�_���bP�?�2�� ��&��E�Ӕ���k�[@n�N���ˤ)�܊�X��#d� _���Ȏ����$�$9f��@�B3DǍ�梇$��i�D�)��$v1�RRt1y� �������`P1i��ʷ��0a��%�|�|��9�D�gvI�h���KQ�sƠ��\��"W�� ��TDZ0�Ta�zMM�(��Kt�D���A,�d��"�1�����Vs9�u.�E���܂���Ze�"LST;ऐ�@�E4j�U��TXw-�ŐAJI��ȕ}�\)"y��TAn@�B|r-C�r+���DSI��V���w�w���v�� &� ���l`�\�Y�rK�Lq��zaqp!��hGb8_0��5�X�5���;|[nE�2�-x ���Z��+x� �)�4�^�P�������9�za��}�Q���)��L��}V�//A�V�w�5�Uxe���s���!�H����Ӏ However, none of them had a specific teaching approach for this. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. What would be the best teacher professional development method for you as an EFL- teacher? The Journal of Professional Learning (JPL) is an online professional journal that seeks to enhance the quality of teaching and of public education in NSW and Australia. Patton, M. Q. Involving teachers in a model of design inquiry (Mor and Mogilevsky 2010) or expecting teachers to adopt a design science attitude towards their practice (Diana Laurillard, 2012) and make them responsible for identifying an educational challenge (Mor and Craft 2012) can only be successful if the teachers involved have the right motivation, a belief in the need to change, a positive attitude towards research activities, the support of their superiors, enough time to invest, research skills and peers to consult. Read More. Eight teachers admitted they had never really paid attention to teaching pronunciation (except for the occasional attention given to the th-sounds) before working with the module. In short, SDT distinguishes between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Professional development and teacher learning: mapping the terrain. We define effective professional development as structured professional learning that results in changes in teacher practices and improvements in student learning outcomes. Learn about Positive Discipline tools for teachers in early childhood education. PS participated in its design and and performed statistical analysis. The results of the pre-intervention test of 60 students (60 recordings randomly chosen out of 222 available recordings) were set against the results of the post-intervention test. It has been established as an adjunct to the work of the Centre for Professional Learning (CPL) which is the professional development arm of the NSW Teachers Federation. This takes place in the context of teaching English pronunciation to secondary school pupils (who from now on we refer to as students) and students at schools for intermediate and higher vocational education (universities of applied sciences) in the Netherlands. Educators must understand the concepts in processing professional development and what it means to education. Basics of Qualitative Research Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques, 32–42. The pre- and post-intervention test provided data on student results before and after working with the CAPTT. 2013) in order to gain data on dispositional variables including attitude, self-efficacy and subjective norm influencing teachers’ motivation to take part in an experimental teaching design using a CAPTT. However, teachers were asked to follow a strict procedure, asking them to briefly introduce each topic. Professional development programs are based on different theories of how students learn and different theories of how teachers learn. Desimone, L. M., & Le Floch, K. C. (2004). Introjected motivation refers to the engagement as a consequent of feeling of guilt and shame when engagement is not done. Teacher professional development is defined as teachers’ learning: how they learn to learn and how they apply their knowledge in practice to support pupils’ learning. (2013). A reflective journal being featured is a result of a research finding. Journal Of Higher Education is an independent refereed journal. Purpose: Teachers' continuing professional development (CPD) should improve teacher quality and teaching practices, though teachers vary in the extent to which they participate in CPD activities. In order to measure teachers’ motivation to use the CAPTT we used a measure that was derived from the Perceived Locus of Causality measure (PLOC) of Ryan and Connell (1989); we refer to this as the adapted PLOC measure or for short a-PLOC. One teacher could not find the time for an interview. The teachers teaching bachelor students were used to dealing with pronunciation in their lessons as their subject was mainly teaching English speaking skills. In this paper the main focus is on finding evidence of teacher professional development in teaching English pronunciation. Identified motivation means that the engagement is seen as important or beneficial. Andrew was born in the Netherlands and Deejay was born in Morocco, but has been living in the Netherlands for 20 years. Attending conferences is one of the largest contributors … Professional Development Articles. It is vital that adequate attention is focused on appropriate and effective training of these teachers. Borko, H. (2004). The first part synthesises production referred to learning, facilitation and collaboration, factors influencing professional development, effectiveness of professional development and issues around the themes. For the pre- and post-intervention test there was a strict procedure as well. Read the steps and a sample on how you can use this professional activity to advance yourself professionally. Most program recommendations focused on (a) professional development … Based on previous research (Hermans & Sloep, 2015) a Computer Assisted Pronunciation Teaching Tool (CAPTT) was designed and implemented in a dedicated website, using Liferay Portal EE ( The success of the largest education reform effort of the last decade — Common Core State Standards — is contingent upon effective teacher professional development, according to a new report. Items of a-PLOC were all rated using a 7-point Likert scale with endpoints ‘always false’ (1) and ‘always true’ (7). Thompson, C. L. (2003). 2016-2019) to peer-reviewed documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, data papers and book chapters) … But the report, " Teaching the Teachers: Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability," by the NSBA's Center for Public Education, argued that Common Core standards will require new teaching methods for effective implementation; further, the support for training teachers in … A review of publications in Teaching and Teacher Education over ten years (2000–2010) on teacher professional development is the subject of the paper. Veen, K. Van, Zwart, R., Meirink, J., & Verloop, N. (2010). Research shows that teacher quality is significantly and positively correlated with student attainment and that it is the most important within-school aspect explaining student performance. Google ScholarÂ. This study seeks to look at a critical analysis of the challenges facing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of academic staff of the colleges of education in Ghana. Participant older than 17 received a similar mail from the PI, explaining the purpose of the research and the procedures. Hermans, F., & Sloep, P. B. Professionele ontwikkeling van leraren een reviewstudie naar effectieve kenmerken van professionaliseringsinterventies van leraren. The claim that there is not enough time for research activities is valid for most teachers. Integrated motivation means that the engagement is in complete harmony with the self. It provided students with seven chapters: one introduction on the topic of English pronunciation and six chapters covering six error type categories. focuses on teaching … This article illustrates how you can plan for your professional development as a teacher. Specific texts were designed in which all error type categories were represented in an equal frequency of occurrence. A. Professional Development Guides are detailed guides for using journal articles and books as professional development experiences. With the teachers ‘statements about personal change and the improved student achievement we surmise to have provided evidence of teacher professional development, by involving teachers in an intervention phase, in which a pre-structured teaching design is implemented and tested. 259–275). However, there is also an external force that pressures them to use the CAPTT (extrinsic). September 1st 2014 was indicated as starting point of the test phase (2 weeks after the summer holidays) and December 30th 2015 as the end point. 36(6):353-354, November/December 2020. There were no more questions asked concerning this topic during the interview. The remaining teachers all answered the PI’s mail in which they were asked for the post-intervention recordings, claiming they did not find the opportunity to round off or even present the CAPTT due to circumstances. International Journal of Language Studies, 9(4), 55–80. For other teachers it meant teaching English pronunciation for the first time and feeling safe doing so because of the set-up of the teaching design. In July 2014 23 teachers received a letter with information about the setup of the test phase. With these strict procedures the aim was to minimize the effect of teachers (i.e., their personal interests, attitudes towards the teaching topic, backgrounds, skills e.g.,) on the results of the post-intervention test. Professional development that focuses on teaching strategies associated with specifc curriculum . The aim after test phase 1 was to find out about the teacher’s experience working with the CAPTT and to gain input on how to adapt and improve the intervention tool (CAPTT) so it would better meet the teachers’ and students’ needs in a classroom situation. They corrected students when they took turns in speaking activities and focussed on a student’s individual pronunciation mistakes only. As we move further into one of the most challenging school years in memory, the December 2020/January 2021 issue of Educational Leadership ® (EL ®) examines the critical topic of mental health for educators, highlighting essential ideas and strategies for promoting well-being and mental … He was only interested in the module because of the intelligibility aspect. Laurillard (2012) and Mor and Mogilevsky (2013) see the teacher as the initiator of defining an educational challenge and of the conceptualisation of its solution. The exploratory, … Washington, DC: Council of …, 1–59. 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