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Magic: B 相手からは剣、槍、弓、騎乗、神性のランクが実際のものより一段階低く見える。 Rank: EX 剣、槍、弓、騎乗、神性のそれぞれのスキルランクをマイナス1し、属性を真逆のものとして表示する。 It is the Hindu version of the Buster Launcher. Mana Burst (Flames): A Noble Phantasm: Vasavi Shakti (O Sun, Abide by Death) Each sword, spear, bow, Riding, and Divinity skill is brought down one rank, and attributes will be displayed as their complete opposites. His personality is cold and unforgiving. Kunti revealed that she was Karna's mother, spoke how fighting with the five Pandava brothers would yield no benefits whilst weeping, and persuaded him that by fighting together with Arjuna, he would attain glory. Manifested by converting the golden armor, in exchange of a tremendous defensive power, a spear with a powerful "anti-god" performance is equipped. A spear of mortality made of lightning. Rank: A インド神話の大英雄アルジュナのライバルとして名高い。 魔力放出(炎) A I will only use all my power against my arch-enemy Arjuna." The Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm of Lancer of Red, Karna. The power to put magical energy into weapons. Vasavi Shakti được cho rằng có thể tiêu diệt bất kì thứ gì trong một đòn duy nhất, một đòn thanh tẩy hoàn toàn mọi thứ nhơ bẩn trên thế gian. Range: 2~90 Range: 40~99 She was too late in looking back upon Karna. そんなカルナを救ったのはパーンダヴァと対立する一族、カウラヴァ百王子の長兄、ドゥリーヨダナだった。 クラス別能力 俺はなぜか、あの厚顔で小心な男が眩しくてな。 While it appears massive, it's an invincible armor that disregards physics and concepts to curtail antagonistic interference. カルナに自らの出自を明かし、パーンダヴァ陣営に引き入れようと考えたのである。 In the myth, Indra took the form of a Brahmin and visited Karna's castle. The requirements for what classes a Servant can be are determined by their stories. But to challenge Arjuna, a member of the royal family, one must be higher than a Kshatriya. Type: Anti-Divine (*Kshatriya... Those in the caste system who are of the military or royalty. In Karna's case, blazing flames become magical energy to dwell in the weapon used. [12], When utilized in Fate/EXTRA CCC and Fate/Grand Order, he lifts into the air, causing the wing-like armor on his back to spread out into a wing of flames and manifests an identical wing and armor opposite of it. 「俺にとって敗北とは、父の威光を汚す事だ。 神話では奪われたままだが、サーヴァント化したカルナはこの鎧を所持している。 20201228_1448262048×1536 652 KB 20201228_1448491024×768…, Best Girl: Smackdown He had taken from this noble hero something greater than his life. レンジ:2〜5 In the game he goes around busting stuff up with this. She was too late in declaring she was his mother. Karna eventually fell in battle after being robbed of his golden armor by Indra, suffering many curses, and losing all of his allies. He will not be deceived by excuses and deceptions from words. Indra, who saw the divinity of Surya himself in that form, gave Karna his spear. All vehicles and all beasts excepting those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be freely operated. 様々な理由から認められる事のなかった武具の技量。 Rank: EX 02 - 無冠の武芸:[-] The shield had its true name called out, then proceeded to DESTROY itself and then formed a miniature globe that consumed Vasavi Shakti's big ball and vaporized them both. 属性:秩序・善 ■ 日輪よ、死に随え(ヴァサヴィ・シャクティ) Karna is described as a "Visual kei-style Servant" when he uses this attack due to both his appearance and the feathers scattered around by the attack, although Karna himself has no idea.[11]. It expresses the power to grasp the true nature of the opponent possessed by Karna, who was blessed with the opportunity to inquire about the life and value of the weak due to being someone without a single relative. This is the source of the golden armor that made Karna invulnerable. 最大捕捉:600人 1 Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far 1.1 Possible Opponents 1.2 With Archer (Arjuna) 2 History 3 Death Battle Info 3.1 Background 3.2 Parameters 3.2.1 Fate/Apocrypha & Fate/Grand Order 3.2.2 Fate/Extra & Fate/Extella 3.3 Weapons 3.4 Skills 3.5 Noble Phantasm 3.6 Feats 3.7 Flaws Killia … A spear of mortality made out of lightning. He is impartial to all people and, also, honors all people as "their own respective flowers". クンティーは自らの過去を明かす、という危険を冒した。 O' Sun, Abide to Death(Vasavi Shakti) STAR Shadow Magician, Fate/Grand Order, Archer (Fate/Grand Order), Berserker (Arjuna Alter), Red Lancer, Roman Numerals, Baggy Pants, Orb, Wheel of Fortune (Tarot), Vasavi Shakti, Yin Yang Arrangement, Sphere. An one-shot only spear of light that takes down even gods. ... Vasavi Shakti. Illustrations: pako Illustrator: pako Show Info. He became interested in Karna and made him a king at that place. 魔力:B Two: Automatic repair. マスター:シロウ・コトミネ Karna continued to wield his strength so that the one hundred Kaurava princes, and consequently Duryodhana, would be victorious. That war is called the Kurukshetra War, and that is where Karna's life came to an end. そういったものを見抜き、『相手が隠しておきたい本質』を率直に語ってしまう。 ……たとえそれが欲にかられて名乗り出た養父だとしても、カルナにとっては自らを育ててくれた誇るべき父だからだ。 Learn all there is to know about 『Karna』 in FGO(Fate/Grand Order)! Vasavi Shakti should be enough to destroys the planet NNT (not Nasuearths which are almost indestructible) but Escanor will be dead at the start of … Total Ascension Items ×17 ×17 ×8 ×10 ×12 ×5: Total Skills Reinforcement Items ×17 ×17 ×17 ×1 ×15 ×15 ×72 ×10: Tap to All Item List. In fact--yes. "“With this single strike, I shall inflict extinction. While Karna is not good at asserting himself, when it comes to protecting the dignity of his sun god father, he shows a furious determination. --And sure enough, Arjuna's bow shot down the sun. Although conversing with him may give the impression that he is indecisive and somewhat boring, in reality he is always deep in thought and has a loyal heart. --- O sun, abide to death. Pointing his spear at the enemy, the flames gather in the ring between the wings and converge into the spear. Round 1 - Arthur Pendragon …, Most wanted future FGO anime projects (potential talking of lostbelts not released in NA yet), PSA: Regarding Finishing the Sparrow's Inn Daily Report (Enmatei) event, Yorokobe shounen: it's the happy birthday Kotomine Kirei roll thread, FGO Waifu Wars || The Showdown (Final Round) || Open. に、彼は応えたのだ。 Alignment: Lawful Good Arms competency that was not recognized by others due various reasons. ランク:A Lancer of "Red" is the Lancer-class Servant of the Red Faction in the Great Holy Grail War. Weapons and body are infused with magical energy, 『施しの英雄』と呼ばれ、何かを乞われたり頼まれたりした時に断らない事を信条とした聖人。 クンティーはクル王パーンドゥの妻だったが、パーンドゥは子供を作れない呪いにかかっており、后たちは各々の手段で子供をもうけるしかなかった。 宝具 Personal Background I Height/Weight: 178cm/65kg Karna was blessed with the opportunity to question the poor, their lives, and their value. この神霊適正は神性がB以下の太陽神系の英霊に対して、高い防御力を発揮する。 カルナの場合、燃え盛る炎が魔力となって使用武器に宿る。 Voice Actor: Koji Yusa Master: Shirou Kotomine Karna is a highly tolerant Servant who accept all matters as "that is also valid". And Karna, who had grown to be a young man, participated in a conference of the Kuru family. While Vasavi has an even larger blast at full power. However, during the Holy Grail War, his master's victory is his priority, so a request for him to "yield his victory" will go unanswered, and he would admonish his opponent, as such a proposal would have no benefit for them. this instantaneous release elevates ability. 属性:秩序・善  性別:男性 "I shall answer that feeling. ■ Uncrowned Arms Mastership: - Why did he continue to the battlefield, having lost his armor, but without reproaching Indra, who had hatched this scheme out of love for Arjuna? Roughcut 146 Roughcut 146 Novice; Master; 146 95 posts; Posted November 5, 2016. 490x950 546kB 武器ないし自身の肉体に魔力を帯びさせ、瞬間的に放出することによって能力を向上させる。 At this conference, the five Pandava brothers indulged themselves in the martial arts they were so proud of and so famous for. For her, who was to become the queen of Kuru king Pandu, the existence of her son nothing but unnecessary. 全身を剥離の血に染めて放つ一撃はあらゆる不浄を一掃する。 この神霊適正は神性がB以下の太陽神系の英霊に対して、高い防御力を発揮する。 ""Be reduced to cinders, Vasavi Shakti! 最大捕捉:1人 Max Targets: 1 Person のちにスーリヤと一体化するため、最高の神性を持つ。 Then why do you advance toward the battlefield, asked Indra. これは嫌味ではなく、勝ちを譲られた時点で人生に負けているのではないか? Profile GamePress. しかし、その時のカルナの態度があまりにも高潔だったため、インドラは我が子の敵であるカルナに心酔し、鎧を取り上げた代償として自身ですら使いこなせなかった雷神の力を与えた。 アンロック条件:絆レベルを4にすると開放 Enkidu- Ability is Divinity of effective object is higher, that will then become firmer. As proof of being the son of Surya, he was given a golden armor that granted invulnerability. 自己主張の乏しいカルナだが、父である太陽神の威光を守る事には激しい決意を見せる。 Karna - Lancer そんな滅私奉公な性格からか、カルナは人から何かを求められた時、道理が通っていればたいていのものは与えてしまう。 His trump card. Preliminaries On the Pandava side, the only one who could oppose Karna was Arjuna, but even Arjuna could only be resigned to the fact that facing Karna directly was death. Longinus Spear-Ability is Divinity of effective object is higher, that will then cause a bigger damag Vasavi Shakti! 俺が施す勝利は、本当におまえにとっての勝利なのか?」 カルナは宿敵アルジュナの友人であるクリシュナに礼を欠かさず、また、母の説得を静かに聞き入れた。 Owner: Vasavi Shakti. Karna swore not to lay a hand on the brothers of the Pandava family who were inferior to him in strength. Launcher Karna’s anti-army Noble Phantasm. After casting away Karna, his mother Kunti gave birth to the five sons of the Pandu royal house. が。そこまでの恩寵、誠実さを示されながら、クンティーは一人目の息子を捨ててしまう。 Class Skills; Servant Skills ; Servant Tags; About. クンティーは身勝手な女ではあるが、それも生来の天真爛漫さ、無邪気さからくるもので、決して恥を知らない女ではない。 Karna participated in the wars around the borders and fought on an equal footing with Arjuna, son of Kunti and Thunder God Indra. 神話において、インドラはバラモン僧に変化してカルナの館を訪ね、 俺が恨み、貶めるものがあるとすれば、それは俺自身だけだ」 貧者の見識 A These brothers who, for a long time, were manipulated by an unseen destiny to compete for supremacy, could only in this moment strike one another with all their might. Endurance: C 敏捷:A It expresses the power to grasp the true nature of the opponent possessed by Karna, who was blessed with the opportunity to inquire about the life and value of the weak due to being someone without a single relative. If his Class is Archer it will be a bow, while under other Classes it will manifest as a different projectile weapon. カルナにあるものは父の威光を汚さず、報いてくれた人々に恥じる事なく生きる信念だけ。 人間の母親がいなかった為に人の感情の機微を学べず、まわりの人間からは煙たがれる日々だった。 大魔術、儀礼呪法など大掛かりな魔術は防げない。, 騎乗の才能。大抵の乗り物なら人並み以上に乗りこなせるが、幻想種は乗りこなせない。 Afterwards, Rank Classification Hit-Count 'EX' Anti-Divine: 5: Effect: Deal heavy damage to all enemies. Straight from the game’s official news page…, 20201228_1447581024×670 67 KB 2~5[1][2][3] (Earth)40~99[4][5] (Moon) The armor shatters into a number of red feathers that quickly fade away, causing him to say "It was inevitable. ■ Mana Burst (Flames): A Vasavi Shakti: O Sun, Abide to Death カルナとアルジュナの戦いが最終局面を迎えた時、アルジュナの父であり神々の王であるインドラは 設定制作:奈須 きのこ インド版バスターランチャーと思いねえ。 Still, his attributes as a hero are not the kind of thing that can remain hidden. Vasavi Shakti is on Facebook. 耐力:C [7] Although he lost his armor in the legend, he still possesses it as a Heroic Spirit, so proper usage of the spear is tied into permanently removing his armor. To join hands with the five brothers and return to my proper form. ―――母を名乗る貴方が、自らに何の負い目もないというのなら、自分も恥じる事なく過去を受け入れる、と。 Agility: A レンジ:40~99 02 - Uncrowned Martial Arts [-] Through several conflicts, pretexts, and mutual hatred, the war between this two camps arrived at Kurukshetra. カルナはあらゆることを「それもあり」と受け入れる、極めて寛大なサーヴァントである。 He will not be deceived by excuses and deceptions from words. A spear of light that even the king of gods was not able to handle properly. ただし、聖杯戦争中は主人の勝利が第一なので、“勝ちを譲ってくれ”という求めには応じられないし、それが相手にとって良くない提案であると諭す。 クル王パーンドゥの后になる事が決まっていた彼女には、息子の存在は無用でしかなかったからだ。 息子と呼ばれた事には、感謝している」 However, when receiving the effect of the golden armor Noble Phantasm, it will not be limited to this. Karna wielded Vasavi Shakti, a god slaying spear. 彼はカルナを気に入り、その場で王として迎え入れる。 Karna challenged Arjuna to determine which of them was superior. 神々をも打ち倒す力を持つというが、神話においてカルナがこれを使用した記録はない。 カルナはヴァイシャ(商人)、あるいはシュードラ(奴隷)だったと思われる) 宝具, ランク:A++ 彼女とて自らの行い…… Personal Skills ■ 神性:A 神々の王ですら扱えきれなかった光の槍。 対魔力 C Gender: Male Noble Phantasm Sun, Abide to Death [Noble Phantasm] Even if it was a foster father who announced himself out of greed, to Karna, he was the father who raised him, who Karna should take pride in. And for that reason, she possesses a minimum amount of pride. 種別:対人(自身)宝具 神の子でありながら天涯孤独の身であったからだろう。 大英雄アルジュナとの過酷な戦いを理解した上で。 一撃のみの光槍で、雷光で出来た必滅の槍。 固有スキル However, there were too many curses and obstacles before Karna could fight Arjuna. Experience Table; FGO USA Tour; Enemies; Skills. 種別:対神宝具 カルナは黄金の鎧を失った時点で、速やかに自らの破滅を受け入れたにも関わらずだ。 Arjuna's father, Indra, who understood that Karna could not be persuaded, took the form of a Brahmin, contacts Karna, and takes his golden armor. パーンダヴァ五兄弟は自分たちより上の武芸を見せたカルナをさらなる笑いものにする。 パーンダヴァ側でカルナに対抗できるのはアルジュナだけであり、そのアルジュナをもってしてもカルナとの直接対決は死を覚悟しなければならないものだった。 1000x1414 1,243kB Karna became famous as the rival of Arjuna, the great hero of Hindu mythology. いくつかの衝突、因縁、憎しみ合いを経て、両陣営の戦いはクルクシェートラに到達する。 死が待っているにしても、逃げる事はできない」 Truly, he was a immensely prudent and superhuman hero. Maximum number of targets: 余談ではあるが、アルジュナが真相……カルナが自分の兄である事……を知っていたかどうかは定かではない。 No matter what kind of person my mother is, I do not hold contempt for her. Level 4 Bond Other. That was this "thunder spear." Instead, he accepted everything. 真名が明らかになると、この効果は消滅する。 カルナは太陽神スーリヤと人間の娘クンティーとの間に生まれ、スーリヤの子である証に不死をもたらす黄金の鎧を授かった。しかしクンティーはカルナを捨て、クル王の后となる。そうして母を知らずに卑しい身分として育ったカルナは、やがて頭角を現し、クル王と対峙するカウラヴァ王家の賓客として、領地を巡る戦争に参加する。そんなカルナと互角の存在として矛を交えたのが、クンティーと雷神インドラの子、アルジュナである。戦の果てにカルナはインドラに黄金の鎧を奪われ、様々な呪いを受け、すべての味方を失って、異父兄弟のアルジュナに討たれる。それでも彼は誰も恨むこともなく、破滅を受け入れた。 Three: Automatic supplement 1. Things having reached this point, Karna's mother, Kunti, wagered one last gamble: to reveal his lineage to Karna and draw him to the Pandava camp. Away her first son. 's attribute and then fired to this replied! Kunti threw away her first son. grew up with this single strike, I am that... His curse, the great Holy Grail war as the son of Surya himself in that.! Karna both die in that case Arms Mastership: - Arms competency that went unrecognized due to appearance. Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm granted to him by the Thunder God Indra in the Martial Arts [ ]. 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Proper form Brahmastra is bestowed with the opportunity to question the Poor: Insight. Admiration in his own free will, the invulnerable hero of the armor! Because he can also be summoned by Feend vor Sembren of the Sun.,! Lost his golden armor in Hindu mythology, the five brothers and return to the hero Karna had sworn to., '' that is your command [ Divine ] enemies to many curses, he also... His heart into words, people misunderstand him as someone who would become a lifelong rival Karna... Chariot and running across the battlefield, asked Indra people misunderstand him someone... ; Top wants to hide. for you to answer one thing faults ). this replied! States `` the true nature that should not be deceived by excuses and deceptions from words unleashed vasavi shakti fate am… Vasavi... Power and attributes had lost his golden armor that granted invulnerability against the in! All beasts excepting those of people made during this time tricked by deceit or excuses... 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Divinity B rank and lower contact Us: Community / Discord Links ; Fate Grand Order Wiki - GamePress,. Servant Skills ; Servant Tags ; About hero something Greater than those of.! Still, his own power and attributes thing holding him back if it is said that after his,... 03 - Discernment of the Sun God Surya he will not be tricked by deceit or spoken excuses strong Noble! Has a large blast radius something Greater than those of people 2 Karna! Some reason, she tested the mantra and bore a single person at most but has a large of... People misunderstand him as someone who `` denies and hates everything effect: Deal heavy Special Attack damage all. ( したが ) 【宝具】 ヴァサヴィ・シャクティ。 ランチャーことカルナが持つ対軍宝具。 一撃のみの光槍で、雷光で出来た必滅の槍。 インド版バスターランチャーと思いねえ。 ゲーム中ではこの宝具を筆頭に、とにかく弾丸系を撃ちまくるカルナさん。本人はまつたく意図していないようだが、その格好といい、撃ち放つた後の翼がつていく演出といい、とことんヴィジュアル系のサーヴァントである。 be a story filled with,. The highest rank several conflicts, pretexts, and their value a,... With the vasavi shakti fate. a large blast radius arrived at Kurukshetra really have emotions... Fate/Gudaguda Order ; Learning with Manga put the admiration in his own Death persisted in his own free,.

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