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Johnny Appleseed was born John Chapman in 1774 in Massachusetts. Developers of Fort Wayne, Indiana's Canterbury Green apartment complex and golf course claim his grave is there, marked by a rock. He wore no shoes, even in the snowy winter. He never took up a homestead, rather sleeping outdoors or in the barns of friendly farmers he met along … His father, Nathaniel Chapman, was one of the Minutemen who fought at Concord in April 1775 when Johnny was only a baby. Fact 3: Appleseed was an American nurseryman who introduced apple trees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ontario, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, as well as in some of the northern counties of present-day West Virginia. David Morrell, the author of the First Blood novels about Rambo, said that he got the name for his protagonist from the Rambo apples his wife brought home from a roadside market when he was struggling to name his soldier hero! I'm Faith Lapidus. His father started John Chapman upon a career as an orchardist by apprenticing him to a Mr. Crawford, who had apple orchards. Another favorite classic! Johnny Appleseed (born John Chapman) was a direct descendent of Edward Chapman, who came from Yorkshire, England, to Boston in the 1640s and became a prosperous farmer and miller in Ipswich. Johnny Appleseed preached the goodness of apples and the goodness of people. What's more, apples could be juiced for apple butter or to produce hard cider (which could be further processed to make applejack). You can win New England in a game of Heads Up! He became an American legend while still alive, portrayed in works of art and literature, largely because of his kind and generous ways, and his leadership in conservation. When Johnny Appleseed was asked why he did not marry, his answer was always that two female spirits would be his wives in the after-life if he stayed single on earth. But if he averaged more than five per day, he certainly planted over a million trees during his lifetime. 3 6. When he died on March 11, 1845 at the age of 70, he owned more than 1200 acres of land. Some even make the claim that the Rambo was "Johnny Appleseed's favorite variety", ignoring the fact that he had religious objections to grafting, and preferred wild apples to all named varieties. Almost everyone thinks that Johnny Appleseed is the mythical hero of a charming American legend. You can hardly miss him if you visit the city. His father was a Minuteman under George Washington. Many books and movies have been based on his life. In the most inclement weather he might be seen barefooted and almost naked except when he chanced to pick up articles of old clothing. Early Life. PHOTOS: (1) In legend, Johnny Appleseed was often associated with the Rambo apple, which is a cultivar whose origins are unknown but may date back to the Swedish-American colony of New Sweden in 1637. A variety called the “Johnny Appleseed” is similar to these Albemarle Pippins, good for baking and apple sauce. Thousands of books and many films have been based on the life of Johnny Appleseed. Johnny Appleseed Death Fact Check. Him and his sister went to live with their grandparents. (7) The last surviving apple tree that Johnny Appleseed was known to plant is in Nova, Ohio, and is more than 175 years old. John Chapman was born in Leominster, Massachusetts, the second child (after his sister, Elizabeth) of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Chapman of Massachusetts. Johnny Appleseed natal chart (noon, no houses) natal chart English style (noon, no houses) Name: Appleseed, Johnny: Gender: M: Birthname: Chapman, John born on: 26 September 1774 Place: … His was born in Leominster, Massachusetts, and the site where he was born is now called Johnny Appleseed Lane. Johnny Chapman Growing Up. In 1774, Elizabeth gave birth to their second child, John. Johnny Appleseed is a famous folk hero in the United States. How angry he grew! On October 30, 1735, John Adams, the son of a farmer and a descendant of Plymouth Rock pilgrims, is born in Braintree, Massachusetts. He made several trips back east, both to visit his sister, and to replenish his supply of Swedenborgian literature. He only lived in Leominster a few years, though. It appears most nurseries are calling the tree the "Johnny Appleseed" variety, rather than a Rambo. People in the midwest today, point to a tree in their yard and proudly announce it as a "Johnny Appleseed" original. He was to propose to Miss Nancy Tannehill there - only to find that he was a day late, and she had accepted a prior proposal: Now we had always heard that Johnny had loved once upon a time, and that his lady love had proven false to him. Apples grow up and down both coasts, and they flourish in the Northeast. Overwhelmed by chaotic … I'm Faith Lapidus. (2 & 3) Born John Chapman, he wandered the young nation planting trees and nurseries from seeds and preaching. Johnny Appleseed’s legend grew across the young land, teachers taught about him in school, books were written about him and songs composed. He would tear a few pages from one of Swedenborg's books and leave them with his hosts. "He always carried with him some work on the doctrines of Swedenborg with which he was perfectly familiar, and would readily converse and argue on his tenets, using much shrewdness and penetration. Another story related that he had saved an abused horse that was going to be killed. if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = "show"; var tocHideText = "hide"; showTocToggle(); } Born John Chapman in Leominster, Massachusetts, his father was a Minuteman who fought at the April 1775 Battle of Concord and later served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. He obtained the apple seed for free; cider mills wanted more apple trees planted, as it would eventually bring them more business. The truth of Johnny Appleseed — a complex man named John Chapman (1774-1845) — is much more interesting. Johnny is alive and kicking. Orchardists do not appear to be marketing the fruit of this tree. He believed dog fennel had antimalarial properties. He was a native of Pennsylvania we understand but his home—if home he had—for some years past was in the neighbourhood of Cleveland, Ohio, where he has relatives living. Chapman didn't do that; he considered grafting to be "absolute wickedness". Fact 1: Johnny Appleseed was born on September 26, 1774. Aside from information specific to Johnny Appleseed's birthday, Johnny Appleseed is the 5795th most famous American. He may be the reason that apples are America’s favorite fruit, the antidote for keeping the doctor away, and the teacher’s gift on the first day of school. Johnny Appleseed, born John Chapman (September 26, 1774– March 18, 1845), was an American pioneer nurseryman, and missionary for the Church of the New Jerusalem, founded by Emanuel Swedenborg.. Presumably, the idea was that the traveler would improve the genetic stock of the village's children. (5 & 6) In popular culture, Johnny Appleseed was often depicted barefoot, with only the clothes on his back, a bag of apple seeds, and wearing a tin cooking pot, that he carried to cook with. When he was 18, he left home to venture into the wilderness—which, at the time, was Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. When the Continental Army was formed, Nathaniel Chapman joined to fight in the Revolutionary War. Elizabeth, however, was suffering from tuberculosis, and both mother and child died in July, leaving John and his older sister, also named Elizabeth, to be raised by relatives. That is where the Worth cabin in which he died sat. At that point, the younger Nathaniel Chapman rejoined the elder, and Johnny Appleseed spent the rest of his life alone. Johnny Appleseed Early Life. He was born on September 26, 1774, in Leominster, Massachusetts. And, although Johnny Appleseed DID live a life of poverty, he was hardly poor. Johnny Appleseed died in his sleep, from winter plague - presumably pneumonia. Did you know there really was a "Johnny Appleseed"? Notes for John Chapman ("Johnny Appleseed"): The popular image of Johnny Appleseed had him spreading apple seeds randomly, everywhere he went. The Fort Wayne Sentinel, however, printed his obituary on March 22, 1845, saying that he died on March 18: The deceased was well known through this region by his eccentricity, and the strange garb he usually wore. She was the daughter of 14. Johnny Appleseed was born John Chapman in Leominster, Mass., on Sept. 26, 1774. His wife, Donna, brought home some apples from a roadside market. He opened his eyes very wide–they were remarkably keen, penetrating grey eyes, almost black–and replied that all women were not what they professed to be; that some of them were deceivers; and a man might not marry the amiable woman that he thought he was getting, after all. Then he said one time he saw a poor, friendless little girl, who had no one to care for her, and sent her to school, and meant to bring her up to suit himself, and when she was old enough he intended to marry her. (4) He became a legend while he was still alive and a part of early American legend. Suffice it to say that he has been gathered in with his neighbors and friends, as I have enumerated, for the majority of them lie in David Archer's graveyard with him. As a young man he began wandering, spreading the gospel of his Swedenborgian faith and the goodness of apples. Many grafts have been taken off the tree to perpetuate the symbolic tree. He was our American Dionysus." The man who shaped the nursery field that we know of today and also helped conserve plantation, Johnny Appleseed, was born on September 26, 1774. Generation No. 1774. Or, as author Laurie Dove wrote about him in How Stuff Works: “Johnny Appleseed originated the concept of BYOB: bring your own booze!". People in the midwest today, point to a tree in their yard and proudly announce it as a "Johnny Appleseed" original. Johnny Appleseed is the 855th most popular Libra. When he was 18 years old, he decided to begin traveling and went west through Pennsylvania and into Ohio. He is often shown with animals because he loved animals and was known to save many injured or abused creatures. When he heard a horse was to be put down, he'd buy the horse, buy a few grassy acres nearby, and turn the horse out to recover. Johnny Appleseed was an early American nursery farmer who is famous for the cultivation of apple seedlings and their introduction to planters across America.. Johnny Appleseed best liked apples to make cider. His mother died giving birth to his brother a few years later. Johnny Appleseed was the name given to John Chapman. He enrolled in Harvard Towards the end of his career, he was present when an itinerant missionary was exhorting to an open-air congregation in Mansfield, Ohio. The sermon was long and quite severe on the topic of extravagance, as the pioneers were now starting to buy such indulgences as calico, and store-bought tea. Many people considered him a hero. Appleseed was hardly alone in this pattern of doing business. His was born in Leominster, Massachusetts, and the site where he was born is now called Johnny Appleseed Lane. Appleseed's managers were asked to sell trees on credit, if at all possible, but he would accept corn meal, cash or used clothing in barter. Musicians, demonstrators, and vendors dress in early 19th-century dress, and offer food and beverages which would have been available then. Johnny Appleseed: The Story of a Legend by Will Moses. Johnny Appleseed(John Chapman) was born on Setember 26th in Leominster. He was seen on our streets a day or two previous.”. There is some vagueness concerning the date of his death and his burial. The street where he was born still exists and is known as the ‘Johnny Appleseed Lane,’ while his exact birthplace has been marked with a granite marker. Fact 2: Although Johnny is best known for being called Johnny Appleseed, his real name was actually John Chapman. When he was 18, he left home to venture into the wilderness—which, at the time, was Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, was born in Leominster, Massachusetts, on September 26, 1774, two years before the Revolutionary War. Often the only alcoholic beverage available in frontier settlements was cider. His birthplace has a granite marker, and the street is now called Johnny Appleseed Lane. So John Chapman, aka Johnny Appleseed, embraced poverty and homelessness, he preached about his religion but also worked planting apple trees and nurseries for farmers and orchardists. When the family moved West to Ohio, John apprenticed under an orchardist named Mr. Crawford and his destiny was firmly planted. His mother died giving birth to his brother a few years later. In a collection of stories about the apple aficionado, Eric Braun wrote that he had a pet wolf that had started following him after he had healed its injured leg and nursed him back to health. Johnny Appleseed does not have the coronavirus. When he was 18, Johnny left home with his younger brother to go west. Johnny, who wore on his head a tin utensil which answered both as a cap and a mush pot, filled it with water and quenched the fire, and afterwards remarked, “God forbid that I should build a fire for my comfort, that should be the means of destroying any of His creatures.”. When he was a young man, he set off for the western frontier and along the way collected bags of apple seeds from cider mills. John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, was born on September 26, 1774, in Leominster, Massachusetts. Henry Howe, who visited all 88 counties in Ohio in the early 1800s, collected these stories in the 1830s, when Johnny Appleseed was still alive: Another time he made his camp-fire at the end of a hollow log in which he intended to pass the night, but finding it occupied by a bear and cubs, he removed his fire to the other end, and slept on the snow in the open air, rather than disturb the bear. The flummoxed sermonizer dismissed the congregation. Part of his faith incorporated that … From Astro-Databank. His birthplace has a granite marker and a billboard, streets and schools bear his name and a wooden statue of him stands in City Hall. He got the nickname later on when he got famous for planting apple trees. March 11th or September 26th are sometimes celebrated as Johnny Appleseed Day. When the continental army was formed, his father joined up to fight during the Revolutionary War. He … Nearly all of us have grown up with the legend of Johnny Appleseed. Despite his best efforts to give his wealth to the needy, Johnny Appleseed left an estate of over 1200 acres of valuable nurseries to his sister, worth millions even then, and far more now. Their destination was the headwaters of the Susquehanna. Born in Massachusetts on September 26, 1775, Chapman earned his nickname because he planted small orchards and individual apple trees during his travels as he walked across 100,000 square miles of Midwestern wilderness and prairie. Harper's New Monthly Magazine of November, 1871 (which is taken by many as the primary source of information about John Chapman) says he died in the summer of 1847. One of the primary characteristics of Marfan Syndrome is extra-long and slim limbs. Illustration from Harper's, 1871, This reference article is mainly selected from the English Wikipedia with only minor checks and changes (see for details of authors and sources) and is available under the, One cool autumnal night, while lying by his camp-fire in the woods, he observed that the mosquitoes flew in the blaze and were burnt. Along came 10 hal… When he treats a skunk kindly, all animals everywhere thereafter trust him. No one knows how many trees he may have planted. He was a real person, actually, although some aspects of his life were mythologized over time. The Lord is good to me. They regarded him as someone who had been touched by the Great Spirit and even unfriendly Indians left him alone. History of Jhonny Appleseed Day. Johnny Appleseed was born on September 26, 1774 and died on March 11, 1845. Please ignore rumors and hoaxes. Johnny Appleseed was born John Chapman on September 26, 1774, in Leominster, Massachusetts. He became the basis of the folk hero Johnny Appleseed, who has been the subject of countless stories, movies and works of art. John Chapman, more famously known as Johnny Appleseed, was born on September 26, 1774, in Leominster, Massachusetts. Johnny had no interest in warfare and loved farming instead. Appleseed was born in Leominster, Massachusetts, and at the time of his death, Appleseed was 70 years old. But a lot of people know this Johnny Appleseed character with the tin hat and the animals following him and that wasn't it." Chapman had introduced "mayweed" (now called dog fennel) into Ohio, giving housewives fresh herbs along with stories for the whole family. Since 1975, a Johnny Appleseed Festival has been held in mid-September in Johnny Appleseed Park. However, Steven Fortriede, director of the Allen County Public Library (ACPL) and author of the 1978 "Johnny Appleseed", believes another putative gravesite, one designated as a national historic landmark and located in Johnny Appleseed Park in Fort Wayne, is the correct site. He swapped 160 acres of land near Wooster, Ohio in 1821 in exchange for Swedenborgian tracts that he could distribute. Where was Johnny Appleseed died?Johnny Appleseed was died in Fort Wayne, Indiana In his bestselling book, The Botany of Desire,” Michael Pollan wrote: “Really, what Johnny Appleseed was doing and the reason he was welcomed in every cabin in Ohio and Indiana was he was bringing the gift of alcohol to the frontier. 328 BCE – Alexander the great has discovered dwarf apples in the area of modern-day Kazakhstan. There really was a Johnny Appleseed and his real name was John Chapman. As a young man he began wandering, spreading the gospel of his Swedenborgian faith and the goodness of apples. There are stories of him practicing his nurseryman craft in the Wilkes-Barre area, and of picking seeds from the pomace at Potomac cider mills in the late 1790s. Born John Chapman in Leominster, Massachusetts, his father was a Minuteman who fought at the April 1775 Battle of Concord and later served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. When Chapman died, he owned more than 1,200 acres of orchards across several states that he left to his sister. On the frontier, water supplies were often of questionable quality, and alcoholic beverages could be the healthful alternative. Johnny Appleseed was a legend even in his own time-stories abounded about the kindhearted woodsman who planted thousands of apple seeds from Pennsylvania to Indiana. In general, Johnny Appleseed ranks as the 9275th most popular famous person of all time. At that time, there were men living who had attended the funeral of Johnny Appleseed. John (Johnny Appleseed) was born September 26 1774. He drifted away from his birthplace and eventually migrated to Pittsburgh. Or, as author Laurie Dove wrote about him in. When a respected person entered the village, the hospitality afforded him included a bedwarmer. When his mom and brother died his dad was in the revolutionary war and him and his sister where the only ones home. He was a follower of Swedenborg and devoutly believed that the more he endured in this world the less he would have to suffer and the greater would be his happiness hereafter—he submitted to every privation with cheerfulness and content, believing that in so doing he was securing snug quarters hereafter. Later in life, he became a vegetarian because of his concern for animals. He is supposed to have considerable property, yet denied himself almost the common necessities of life—not so much perhaps for avarice as from his peculiar notions on religious subjects. Actually, this is the nickname of a real person, John Chapman, who was born in Massachusetts in 1774. In his bestselling book, The Botany of Desire,” Michael Pollan wrote: “Really, what Johnny Appleseed was doing and the reason he was welcomed in every cabin in Ohio and Indiana was he was bringing the gift of alcohol to the frontier. Unlike the mid-summer Rambo, the Johnny Appleseed variety ripens in September, and is a baking/applesauce variety similar to an Albemarle Pippen. John Chapman, who would become known during his life and for all time as Johnny Appleseed, was born on September 26, 1774, near Boston, Massachusetts (died 1845). American Folk Figure. Jan 1, 1776. Setting down roots in the community - both literally and figuratively - settlers knew that paying their debts was imperative. You can hardly miss him if you visit the city. Photo Leslie Seaton CC BY 2.0 Chapman was born in Leominster, Massachusetts, in 1774. John Lawrence and 15. He was our American Dionysus." The notes didn't specify an exact maturity date - that date might not be convenient - and if it didn't get paid on time, or even get paid at all, Johnny Appleseed didn't press for payment. He introduced the Apple to large parts of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois by planting small nurseries. As a youth, John followed his father’s trade of carpentry. The cartoon features lively and catchy tunes, and a childlike simplicity of message, offering a bright, well-groomed park environment instead of a dark and rugged malarial swamp, friendly, pet-like creatures instead of dangerous animals and a complete lack of hunger, loneliness, disease, and extremes of temperature. The financial panic of 1837 took a toll on his estate. Johnny Appleseed, whose real name was John Chapman, was born September 26, 1774 in Leominster, Massachusetts, the son of Nathaniel Chapman and Elizabeth (Symonds) Chapman. Johnny was on extremely good terms with the native Americans. Johnny Appleseed was born John Chapman in 1774 in Massachusetts. What was unique was the fact that he remained an itinerant his entire life. Johnny Appleseed is the 855th most popular Libra. Nathaniel Chapman arrived, family in tow, in 1805, although John's sister Elizabeth had married and remained in the east. There was always someone in need he could help out, for he didn't have a house to maintain. The September date is Appleseed's ackowledged birthdate, but the March date is sometimes preferred because it is during planting season, even though it is disputed as the day of his death. All sources seem to agree that Johnny Appleseed was slim, but while other accounts suggest that he was tall, Harper's describes him as "small and wiry". And, since cider was the most common beverage of the pioneers, this was not an insignificant gift. He introduced the Apple to large parts of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois by planting small nurseries. Johnny's mother and brother dies Johnny's mother dies as well as his little brother Jan 1, 1780. The Worth farm, where Johnny Appleseed died, and his Milan Township nursery were both in Allen County, Indiana, on the west edge of the Black Swamp. You probably have but may not realize it. Notwithstanding the privations and exposure he endured he lived to an extreme old age, not less than 80 years at the time of his death — though no person would have judged from his appearance that he was 60. Some of his land was sold for taxes following his death, and litigation ate much of the rest. His father, Nathaniel Chapman, was one of the Minutemen who fought at Concord in April 1775, when Johnny was only a baby. A charming 19-minute segment tells the story of an apple farmer who sees others going west, wistfully wishing he wasn't tied down by his orchard, until an angel appears, singing an apple song, setting Johnny on a mission. Johnny's mother had … He thought the girl was basely ungrateful. He was the son of 2. Johnny Appleseed, 1774-1845: Many Stories and Poems Were Written About This American Hero Download MP3 (Right-click or option-click the link.). A third child, Nathaniel Jr., was born on June 26, 1776, while Nathaniel was an officer leading a company of carpenters attached to General George Washington in New York City. Johnny Appleseed, 1774-1845: Many Stories and Poems Were Written About This American Hero Download MP3 (Right-click or option-click the link.) Birthday: September 26, 1774 Date of Death: March 11, 1845 Age at Death: 70 He married 7. John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, was born in Leominster, Massachusetts, on September 26, 1774. Johnny Appleseed's birthday is September 26, 1774, which is why we celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day on that date. On this day in 1845, John Chapman died having made a fortune planting apple saplings on the American frontier. Johnny Appleseed Birthday and Date of Death. Born in Massachusetts on September 26, 1775, Chapman earned his nickname because he planted small orchards and individual … Nurseries offer the Johnny Appleseed tree as an immature apple tree for planting, with scions from the Algeo stock grafted on them. The actual site of his grave is disputed as well. Nathaniel Chapman was a minuteman who served in the Continental Army in the American Revolution. Congress had passed resolutions in 1798 to give land there, ranging from 160 acres to 2240 acres, to Revolutionary War veterans, but it took until 1802 before the soldiers actually received letters of patent to their grants. Childhood & Early Life Johnny Appleseed was born John Chapman on September 26, 1774, in Leominster, Massachusetts. According to an 1871 article in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, he told children stories and preached in a lyrical voice, as one of his followers recounted: "We can hear him read now, just as he did that summer day, when we were busy quilting upstairs, his voice rising denunciatory and thrillin—strong and loud as the roar of wind and waves, then soft and soothing as the balmy airs that quivered the morning-glory leaves about his gray beard. Johnny Appleseed Coronavirus Does Johnny Appleseed Have the coronavirus? Did you know there really was a "Johnny Appleseed"? John was of the sixth generation from Edward. But it cannot be denied that he was a generous and gentle soul, and preached the gospel of the goodness of apples, not just for eating but for cider. And I'm Steve Ember with the VOA Special English program PEOPLE IN AMERICA.Today we tell about a man known as Johnny Appleseed. Farmers called it johnny weed; many states now classify dog fennel as a noxious weed. Johnny Appleseed would have been 70 years old at the time of death or 240 years old today. Johnny Appleseed's beliefs made him care deeply about animals. Johnny moves Johnny moves to the west Jun 1, 1780. Later, these orchards were sold to settlers. Appleseed, Johnny. He was as American as mom’s apple pie. During that time cider was hard cider, that is, it had alcohol in it. If it did, he'd give the horse to someone needy, exacting a promise to treat the horse humanely. The newborn died weeks later. I peeped over at Johnny while he was telling this, and, young as I was, I saw his eyes grow dark as violets, and the pupils enlarge, and his voice rise up in denunciation, while his nostrils dilated and his thin lips worked with emotion. He was the second child of Elizabeth Simonds and Nathaniel Chapman, who were married at Leominster, Massachusetts on February 8, 1770. Little is known about his early life except that his mother died when he was young and that his father fought in the American Revolutionary War. Johnny Appleseed. Horoscope and astrology data of Johnny Appleseed born on 26 September 1774 Leominster, Massachusetts, with biography . Which makes sense: Grapes do not grow well in much of the region, but apples? Johnny Appleseed was born John Chapman in 1774 in Massachusetts. Johnny Appleseed planted orchards for 50 years in many states. [CDATA[ The real Johnny Appleseed was born John Chapman in a small village in Massachusetts. His other name was Johnny Appleseed! Johnny was 70 years old at the time of death. Johnny Appleseed, Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 1871, "Here's your primitive Christian!" Today we tell about a man known as Johnny Appleseed. His father, Nathaniel Chapman, was one of the Minutemen who fought at Concord on April 19, 1775, and later in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. When the family moved West to Ohio, John apprenticed under an orchardist named Mr. Crawford and his destiny was firmly planted. Born and raised in Leominster, the man remembered as "Johnny Appleseed" left Massachusetts in the 1790s just as farmers were moving into the Midwest. John Chapmann, better known by his nickname "Johnny Appleseed", died and is buried near Fort Wayne Indiana sometime between 1845 and 1849. Land records show that John Chapman was in today's Licking County, Ohio, in 1800. As John Chapman’s apple orchards grew in number, so did the tales of Johnny Appleseed. An outdoor drama is also an annual event in Mansfield, Ohio. To produce apples such as are sold in supermarkets, scions from a named variety must be grafted onto the scrub apple. Johnny Appleseed Facts Johnny Appleseed was an American nurseryman pioneer best known for introducing apple trees to many states in the U.S. In general, Johnny Appleseed ranks as the 9275th most popular famous person of all time. He admired them and some were even converted by his preaching. John H. Archer, grandson of David Archer, wrote in a letter dated October 4, 1900: The Johnny Appleseed Commission to the Common Council of the City of Fort Wayne reported, "as a part of the celebration of Indiana's 100th birthday in 1916 an iron fence was placed in the Archer graveyard by the Horticulture Society of Indiana setting off the grave of Johnny Appleseed. “I feel like most people hear cider and start thinking of plaid and hayrides and leaves and New England,” Pete McCoubrey, Director of Marketing at Downeast Cider, tells me. John Chapman ("Johnny Appleseed")1, born 26 Sep 1774 in Leominster, Worcester Co., MA; died 18 Feb 1845 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., IN. Johnny Appleseed's birthday is September 26, 1774, which is why we celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day on that date. His father was a Minuteman under George Washington. He also traveled into Indiana and Illinois. 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