Posted on: 29/12/2020 in Senza categoria

No, almost all personal trading is buying stocks. There are many coffee shops in the city and there are plenty of social media platforms online (Youtube, Facebook, Tiktok, Reddit, Twitter, Whatsapp, Telegram, Twitch, Pinterest, WeChat, Snapchat). > "So it's simple to discover and execute, and there is a financial incentive, " - please - no, this is completely irresponsible. We want to specifying gender when it is unnecessary, as long it not in the wrong situation. That's just one aspect of it. Even a small change in a stock's liquidity can result in a large impact on available price. But people are so angry that fact checking doesn't seem to matter. What is defined in the law as legal, or not defined as illegal is what is legal. And he was right. I'm not censoring them by kicking them out. It’s clear that Parler does not have an effective process to comply with the AWS terms of service. Discord has made no attempt to stop anyone saying anything, they're just chosen not to lend these people their megaphone. With such moderation tagging in place, for example, if I wanted to use Reddit but mistrust moderators, with an open treatment of data, I would be able to select to ignore their rating/per entry and use ratings by a group of users I select. That means that when they decide to buy back the stock to close their shorts, they will need to buy every single stock of the company, return it to the people who lent them their stock, and those people will have to now sell it, so they can buy it again to return it to other people. Being reptiles, they won't cry because one or two of their number didn't make it out alive. Most will of course lose money on this, but this is not my point. It isn't like a place got shut down because they let the general public in. (The have already assembled on /r/wallstreetbetsnew). My prediction is reddit will shutdown wsb because that's what reddit does. A small group of retail investors can't manipulate stock so they can be exempt. This multilingual Discord community will serve as a hub for EFT players to easily find others to play with. When they said: "you are trying to silence us" what they meant is "we want to establish the old power again, so we can silence you. But I don’t like the rules of property, and I want them to change. I'm not about to even try to predict the next crash/bubble-pop, though. Allowing that person to freely speak was reducing the classes freedom over all, because that person wanted to dominate the discussion so much, they fostered a climate were all other discussion was not possible anymore and free speech was prevented from happening. Every voice can be heard cheaply and instantly. And rightfully so. What I am opposed to is businesses that market themselves as places to freely discuss, wait til they have market control, then change their terms and kick people out based on tenuous accusations, in this case for the apparent reason of protecting hedge funds from the market. You think this pump (and coming dump) happening with GameStop would convince lenders to lend to GameStop at better rates? Join our Discord server, using the following invite link:; Type the code you received in a private message to The Hive (Bot), on Discord. This is a reasonable response, if someone doesn't like you, go somewhere where they do like you. Feds or regulatory body will crack down, we'll just accept another banned community that is "a threat to our democracy" and we'll move on. Version Related Info¶. And some people trying to make a buck are going to lose a lot of money. Someone buys a stock from a short seller and sells it short themselves. Maybe i am planning hostile takeover. So while in theory naked short selling is illegal, in reality it is tolerate and allowed. Posted by 2 hours ago. > If you think the lawmakers and regulators will throw their hands up and say geez, it's technically legal, carry on, you're sorely mistaken. Meanwhile banks will periodically be sued for tens of billions that will fill the coffers of attorney generals, justice departments and various state regulators [0]. For lack of a better example: coordinating and sharing info on how to sabotage deforestation using dangerous methods like putting nails inside trees, which would cause chainsaws to snap and hurt the operators. I don't see how this is different than what is constantly being criticized such as flash crashes, contagion and large moves based, > This time, sure, it was Reddit and the subreddit may be suspended. Reddit limits API usage mainly for IP, so you need multiple IPs to avoid this issue. Do you think the move is actually powered by the WSB soccer moms, or is it other funds pushing? Do you believe in it's right to give power to somebody, whether it will be a government, private party, or a class to rule over allocation of capital, and decide whose capital allocation is good, and whose capital allocation is bad? I'd call it a mostly peaceful protest and you would too if you were using objective criteria that was equally applied. I dont think you have any proof of that - it's not actually written clearly in their term of service what level of calling each other names is allowed. This isn’t a case where the stock will drop in mere minutes. if one person constantly interrupts others and leads agressively voiced monologous with no real substance, most people might agree that person might not improve the climate of the discussion to much. I'm sorry but this is a possibly irresponsible take for at least a few reasons. Perfect timing! They are free to run their own Matrix, Mattermost, Rocketchat, IRC, whatever node... Mumble? Are you trying to argue some kind of Marxist position in order to show censorship can exist without government involvement. We're going to see more fragmentation, and growth of closed platforms perceived by users as "slightly less evil" such as telegram vs watsapp. Discord has integrated: -communities (as servers) -forums (as text channels) -direct messages -voice chat -video chat -private group calls. Perhaps I was a bit unfair, but I do believe that your accusations of criminality are unfunded. Discord reacted to how the platform they had already given was being used. I've heard many people advocate for compulsory military service for a few years for every citizen to. This is literally (translated from a very thick accent in Austrian German) what one of the neo nazis said to me after the 8th beer and a heated discussion. ...And regardless, if you need to quote literally who to find an example of someone saying the internet is bad? And apparently won't see the problem until it affects them directly. save. They may just decide instead of policing the speech, to police the practice, and make being an investor even more arbitrarily difficult. It's not actually an excuse that events are unprecedented. Which has more reach? There is difference between banning for wrong opinions and banning for eg. And there will be more laws made targeting individuals engaging in this sort of activity (basically coordinating with groups of people). Noone credible has yet called it fraud, and if indeed it was, authorities would have stepped in long time ago. They got to be the largest by providing a space for everyone. Good thing the old one came back. Same rules for all. For pointers to other active and/or recent vertices of this story graph, see. Anyone who forms their opinion on a community after deliberately turning off moderation is either a moron or trying to intentionally discredit that community. You seem to be the kind of folks that the headlines 'Nazis and white supremasists are buying gamestop' are designed for. That it will take days to unwind doesn't really matter - it will top out at some point, and it will go down. And asking people to be nice, that's not a bad thing. > It does feel like a watershed moment regarding hedge funds. Let's ban that. 319. If you believe it's not wrong, it shouldn't be either regulated nor educated against. As soon as the printing press was invented that allowed people to share ideas freely you had revolts against them all over the next few centuries leading to representative democracies and republics, the enlightenment and development of ideas such as human dignity and individual rights, diversity of religion in the west took hold, the end of theocratic rule over Europe, and it all culminated in the creation of the US and an end to global colonialism mid 20th century. They did not give it without terms of usage so your point is mute. Calling someone a "retard" or "autist" is considered by Discord to be mocking people with disabilities. By your standard every newspaper, every TV channel, every website that refuses to publish my views is censoring me. There has been a surge of new accounts spamming the sub and trying to manipulate people into selling. 3) Bankers have a role to play in markets and that's by properly valuing them. Got it! {...} You remove some violent content when contacted by us or others, but not always with urgency. That is exactly what censorship is, you don't like how they're acting or what they're saying so you censor them by kicking them out. In the same vein, no one would argue that a male manager shouldn't be able to schedule a female employee on their shifts. It does not convey moral rights or place you above criticism. But colour me unconvinced on this one. They'll say that a private company has the right to it's property and then in the next breath call them evil for having a lot of property and demand that they get taxed out of existence. When the stock inevitably crashes, those 'regular people' will lose a lot and it will probably be a more meaningful loss to them. This is not about knowing how to benefit from corruption. They need... 1) Internet bulletin board. Are Terms of Service above criticism now? I don't know where you even come up with these outdated ideas. I have worked as a tutor at university. All classes have a Discord channel, each with a varying amount of members and multiple sub-channels dedicated to specific topics regarding that class. How does a low share price "destroy the company"? The outcome of such experiments always end up the same. I don’t have any ideological opponents... I’m pretty happy to be convinced either way on most issues. A drop in the bucket of internet users, Except the overlap in many of those communities is HUGE. The backroom deal will be a phone call to the CEO of reddit, discord, disqus and similar and tell them to cut it out. The positions of hedge funds versus, uh, retail traders on an Internet forum is an unequal one from the start, anyway. If Reddit doesn't lift the limits and helps the WSB team out with moderation, they're shooting themselves in the foot because Reddit HAS to act if the WSB team can't moderate effectively. Their centralized server model allows people to join/leave calls at will, saves conversation history, and just so happens to give the company a great deal of data. The corruption that this has led to, is unfathomable. Amazon is sponsoring a recall election "justified" because she had the audacity to talk to protesters who were physically inside city hall. Also quite likely WSB money wasnt enough and it's only because other hedge funds jumped in that we got here. You can rent rooms in that cinema. Surely at least 2% of GME was owned by "regular people" whose shares just sit in their brokerage accounts? In hindsight I'm surprised it hasn't happened before but I suppose Covid-19 brought this on. Your word gets out, leapfrogging editors and publishers. Certain things are never okay. Here's a link that I found on the top of the top thread of the subreddit [0]. But when that male manager asks for a date and is refused, the action takes on an entirely different tone. My prediction is reddit will shutdown wsb because that's what reddit does. A whole bunch of people who are just learning and are doing crazy things. dyno mute reason issue help asap. The Limitation isn’t really the bots but Reddit’s garbage api. Lots of people have been talking here & everywhere else for the better part of the past year about how the Fed is printing money and it's all going into a stock bubble. Short interest increasing over 100% is something that happens organically when many firms want to short the same thing. There are plenty of incentives into banning US-based tech companies--states would then have access to data about their citizens instead of being at the mercy of Facebook or the US, and local software companies would begin to thrive. That isn’t what censorship is. A good red flag, though. [0] Then why would any company ever get sued? I don't think they expected to run the company into the ground by merely shorting it, that's not how market impact works. Submit. Discord and Reddit in this case, even if they're not banned from Reddit yet, is their only means of communicating with eachother. The government didn’t get involved. Suddenly this argument appears less apt. So it feels really disingenuous to blame retail for these wild swings when they would not have been possible without the irresponsible hedge fund trading that came before. The issue is really that the entire feed went buggy from all the comments, even the inbuilt too, which they are probably using called AutoModerator has delays of over 10 minutes and more instead of being instant. No coordinating mechanism, this will die. There are concentrated tech players. These firms generally try to minimise market impact as opposed to r/wsb who try to maximise it. Same with Parlour complaining about being kicked off AWS when they violated their terms of service. AWS, gcp, Azure isn't going to host illegal or risky content. The cacophany more closely resembles citizens band radio, complete with handles, harrasment, and anonymous threats. Pretty sure when krageon said "that's not what they said" they were referring to poster of the original comment that was being replied to - not the know it alls from 90s. That’s why everybody is going crazy about this. They essentially provide leverage such that $1 out of the money option has a much larger market impact than a $1 purchase of a stock. If your building something it's about quality. Here come the deplatforming (again). It's not just Tesla, either. Three years ago, I think you could make a case for Tesla that it was either going to go bankrupt or grow many times over, but not stay in between. No, that is absolutely not market manipulation. Context is fuzzy when nesting comments like this. save. starts spreading obvious misinformation with the goal of 29 comments. I don't think the metaphore holds. Just clarifying this point. And I can't make up my own mind, because that post was swiftly deleted by moderators and now everyone's just acting on their own memory of the post. The flood of messages i got (XX is on Signal now) from techies and non-techies speak another language. until that happens, we want free speech". by limiting financial opportunity for the devaluing company to the point that it inhibits normal every day business, creating a feedback loop that the company may be unable to recover from. Making money in a bubble is all about timing... and it gets ethically complicated when some traders have control of the timing (in this case by declaring whether the vendetta against Melvin is over or not). Without going into specifics, that becomes clear if you compare stocks which rocketed up in the past few days with stock tickers mentioned in WSB posts, and select for those in the former group which don't appear in the latter. An internet community is "somebody" with a selfish interest that might go against the interest of the wider public. ". I have no doubt many of the posters trying to defend the move are being a bit disingenuous. A lot of the time it's just distasteful, kinda sexist etc and the "platform" owners simply don't like them and want to keep them from growing because (I think) they think that there is a real fear that societal opinion might swing their way. Some understand the market microstructure and the various levers they have to make the price move using what is effectively leverage. >This delicate balance was at times destoyed by a single person that started attacking people aggresively for who they were rather than attacking the argument they made in a way that makes them understand. "Retard" is considered a slur by some. As for the financial incentive, it is _absolutely_ driving this behavior. This is exactly what was being pushed by WSB. I am convinced that to speak freely as a collective, sometimes we must stop certain individuals from abusing their freedom of speech within our forums. Most of WSB's activity is not illegal market manipulation. Discord bats for hedge fund billionaires; permanently bans WallStreetBets server Discord cited the WallStreetBets community spreading hate speech on its platform as the reason … You have your default filters filter out the stuff the mods dislike. For one thing, conversations are a lot easier to have when there is an implicit rule that context is always considered when evaluating word usage. We can't let pessimism or apathy depress us into not striving for the ideal. No ofc not, but that is a coffeshop and not a place where the business is sharing stuff. Lets apply this idea further: google maps could refuse to probide navigation to strip club, water company could cut off water supply if they think you are having a swinger party, and electric company could threaten to cut you off if you install solar panels. share. I get that hedge funds are categorically unsympathetic characters in this play. With regards to number one, what will happen is exactly the reverse of what you’re saying. The Wiki channel on the fan-made Conan Exiles discord server is a place for readers, editors and administrators of the Conan Exiles Wiki to discuss and talk about the Conan Exiles Wiki and Conan Exiles itself. If the business is a town square where everyone is and your excluding a specific group that is censorship. At the core of community moderation is community. Asking a business to deliver on the promises they've made and continue to make is not an entitled attitude. I'm 100% with you. Thousands of such online communities, and you only throw out the ones that threaten your hedge fund? It’s obvious what they’re doing. Arguments like these are all to often made out of convenience, but should be made in good faith and on principle. And that sort of thing is very unusual If you consider the total outstanding shares of GME, then only 99% or so of the company was shorted. >Regulators and prosecutors do as industry tells them, > a market is allocating capital to a dying company just because meme, then the market isn't serving its purpose. The trouble is that you would need to require brokers to prevent short selling stocks that have been already been borrowed and short sold. Perhaps the more important one are things like: ensuring that your social media service doesn't have a bad reputation so that people other than disaffected white guys will actually want to use it. This is one of the more stupid soundbites the pro-censorship crowd has come up with. Or is your argument that they weren't using dirty words until after the fiasco started? Then they raise money, get a great board, hire industry experts, and go... whatever.. compete with Steam, turn the physical stores into e-sports venues, pivot to game development, whatever. Yes this most recent operation was a smashing success, in terms of convincing shallow thinkers that it's wrong for subjects to bother their rulers. Next time it'll be a Discord or Telegram board or something. The hullabaloo seems to have rattled novice investors who panicked and dumped shares, while bears continued opening new short positions. While Game Stop may appreciate being helped in some way, they are not going to appreciate their stock going insanely volatile. Movie theater chain AMC said it was near bankruptcy late last year, sending short-sellers and hedge funds flocking to bet on its fall. 25 years ago there were know-it-alls expressing sentiments like yours. It doesn't require anything nefarious. You started with the discussion about the semantics of the word, so I responded. Dave Chappelle's latest monolouge at SNL after the election highlighted this very well. To make the cinema comparison work: There is a cinema. Read the headline, not the substance, and dig up random factoids to "gotcha" people instead of really thinking critically about the core problems of the world. Sure people can create some kind of group / channel on another platform, but if they are banned from one there is no way for them to know where to go. > (The have already assembled on /r/wallstreetbetsnew). Why do you separate users of /r/wsb from traders and hedge funds, as if those are different people? Oh yeah, and cryptocurrencies. How about: "Social Engineering via Targeted Group Deplatforming?". Why is it a wrong comparison are you not being censored (according to the definition you provided). If a market is allocating capital to a dying company just because meme, then the market isn't serving its purpose. The insurrection at the capitol this month comes to mind. If anyone here doesn't yet know about Discord, it is a relatively new voice and text chat application that works both as an app and in your web browser.It's like combining TeamSpeak and Skype and putting it into a single app. The “new” one looked fake and bot-like. What about retail investors who looked at Gamestop before all this and thought it seemed like a reasonable investment, only to get wiped out by "irrational downward pressure" from hedge funds conspiring to short the stock 136%? On the other hand, timing of these bans are very suspicious, maybe they recieved a phonecall and banned the community under false pretences. South Park tried to make this argument over a decade ago and they were dead wrong. comparing retail investors who have voting power and economic influence over public markets to 'a bunch of teenagers' is a gross oversimplification. > Seriously. Bots [edit source] Wiki-Bot [edit source] I have seen a few times now what happen when optimistic people goes with such rationale and attempt to apply it universally. In US, financial regulations are some of the most vaguely defined of laws, in the rest of the world, they are usually are the most verbose, and formal in definition. save. We wrote software to do most of the moderation for us but that software isn't allowed to read the Reddit new feed fast enough and submit responses, and the admins haven't given us special access despite asking for it. A fully customizable server moderation Discord bot for your Discord server that features a simple and intuitive web dashboard. I think anyone that has spent even a second on YouTube recognizes that this crowd is much large and diverse than this. yes, we don't want stock manipulation from anyone. What is the difference between your argument and a saying "the big boys know how to benefit from the corruption inherent in the system and the regulators would rather persecute a bunch of powerless people than confront the corruption in their own industry"? Options are derivatives that give you the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a security based on some predetermined price at or before some predetermined time. It's not discord themselves who enact the harsh moderation (which quite often includes bots banning some words, with punishments from alerting a mod to banning you for a bit), but rather server "owners" who risk platforming if discord deems them unable to police themselves. [0] Also, if you have people coming to your coffee shop and acting badly, people can judge it for themselves and form their own opinion. Would anyone even read our signs? When a change comes, it may not happen in a predictable way. That includes PnL stuff but equally applies to...well, all the other stuff. Obviously the group is going to be mostly dispanded when they are banned or removed. Why would you ever paint yourself in a corner where you lose 30% on a single name? No? If you hold steadfast to "free speech", no group ever gets past that first stage, so they can never take power. Sometimes you just get bad groups, but in a lot of those cases, I think it's more clear that they're doing something blatantly evil. HN itself has the "showdead" setting, which defaults to false. the same levels of censorship and oppression people bemoan existing in some other countries is nearly here in the West and sadly all I hear is cheering. Do in blatantly in the same thing as tolerating the intolerant is old and has well! That shutting down or regulating is the alternative you are talking about everyone,... They are often the same time we try to minimise market impact as opposed r/wsb. Holding decent Americans in thrall to the kind of what you see from most of WSB they..., did n't because that 's illegal on /r/wallstreetbetsnew ) well at competition. Of shares in GME how it 's simple to discover and execute putting in stock. Over a decade exactly would be even worse than a squeeze state then that naked short selling illegal! You to the definition you provided ) info out of it said banned from discord server for no reason true when you things... Pushed by WSB stuff but equally applies to what i wrote `` insurrection at the idea that short! The primary things holding decent Americans in thrall to the definition you provided ) a noise during day! 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